

There are several telltale signs that your septic system may be in need of a repair. Examples may include but are not limited to pooling of sewage to the ground surface, foul odors emitting either outside or inside your home, drains backing up, or even the homeowner noticing cracked or broken components such as septic tank lids. 

If you suspect your system may be in need of repair, do not ignore the problem. A minor issue could easily turn into a much larger problem and potentially cause a system failure if left untreated. Not only could ignoring a problem become costly, but repairs left untreated could pose a serious safety hazard as well. If you notice anything unusual with your Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) or have any concerns, contact Peak Septic Systems to complete an inspection of your septic system. This includes providing a diagnosis along with a quote to fix any problems that are identified during the inspection to get your system back up and running at its highest level of efficiency.

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